Klallam Classified Word List

308. any large tree:   sqiyáyŋxʷ
309. western red-cedar:   x̣páy; x̣paʔčíɬč; x̣paʔyáɬč; x̣paʔyíɬč; x̣páʔčɬč
310. western yew:   ƛ̕əŋ̕q̕áɬč
310.1. alder:   sqʷúŋəɬč
311. oceanspray, "ironwood":   q̕áʔc̕ɬč
312. strawberry:   t̕éʔyəqʷ
313. raspberry (cultivated):   c̕q̕ʷúm̕ah
314. soapberry, foamberry:   sx̣ʷásəm
315. gooseberry:   t̕ə́m̕əxʷ; tə́qʷəm̕
316. sticky or gummy gooseberry:   tə́m̕əqʷ
317. salmonberry:   ʔəlíluʔ
318. salal berry:   t̕áqaʔ
319. waxberry:   pəpq̕əy̕ús
320. red elderberry:   sc̕íyuq̕; c̕íwəq̕
321. thimbleberry:   t̕ə́qʷəm
321.1. thimbleberry bush:   t̕əqʷəmíɬč
322. blackcap berry:   c̕ə́qʷəm; c̕q̕ʷúm̕ah
323. blackberry:   sq̕ʷəyáyŋxʷ
324. evergreen huckleberry:   yéʔx̣əm
324.1. blueberry:   ŋə́c̕iʔnəč
325. red huckleberry:   píxʷ
326. Oregon-grape berry:   šə́čən
327. Pacific crab apple:   qáʔəxʷ
328. apple:   ʔápələs
329. apple tree:   ʔapələsíɬč
329.1. cherry tree:   sk̕ʷc̕ŋíyɬč; c̕xʷíɬč
330. pear:   páas
331. pear tree:   paasíɬč
331.1. any berry, fruit:   sčaʔyíqʷɬ
332. Indian consumption plant:   q̕əx̣mín
333. devil's club:   púʔqʷɬč
334. potato:   sqáwc
335. wild potato:   sqáwc
336. any grass, hay:   sx̣cáʔəy̕
337. cattail; bulrush:   kʷúʔət
338. peas:   ƛ̕ík̕ʷən̕
339. edible camas:   qʷɬúʔi
340. sword fern:   scx̣áyəm̕
340.1. summer fern:   c̕isíɬč
341. any root:   q̕ʷc̕ə́ŋ̕
342. stem:   sƛ̕qács
343. any stick:   sč̕ə́y̕aʔ
344. limb of a tree, branch:   sƛ̕qács
345. cedar bark:   syə́wiʔ
346. any bark:   č̕ə́yiʔ
347. inner cedar bark:   syə́wiʔ
348. dead tree, snag:   st̕áʔt̕čiʔ
349. pitch torch:   ŋáʔəq
350. stump, trunk of tree:   sčšáʔič; sx̣íyəmnəč
351. any wood:   sčúɬ
352. rotten wood:   pqʷáy̕
353. knot in a tree:   sƛ̕qács
354. log:   qʷɬáy̕
355. bull kelp:   q̕ʷq̕ʷúʔəŋ̕
356. sea lettuce (green seaweed):   ɬə́q̕əs
356.1. stinging nettles:   sčx̣áyč; c̕c̕čx̣áɬč
356.2. fir:   sŋiyáʔaɬč
356.3. scouring rush:  sc̕c̕x̣áɬč
356.4. eelgrass:   táməx̣
356.5. beargrass:   ƛ̕ə́ƛ̕
356.6. horsetail:   máʔəxʷ
356.7. giant horsetail:   t̕t̕úc̕
356.8. plant with edible shoots similar to t̕t̕úc:   x̣ʷáčx̣č
356.9. snowberry:   snúʔnəkʷ sčayíqʷɬ
356.10. maple:   páʔq̕ɬč; sc̕úʔc̕ɬč